Thursday, November 12, 2009

Time to Take the Wrapper Off

It's about time I fire this blog up and actually put in some content. Whether that content turns out to be interesting and relevant or just inane babbling remains to be seen. I think it should be ok; I'm no stranger to blogging and I seem to have plenty of time on my hands.

News for today, I finally added some sample shots to my long-running Craigslist ad which will hopefully earn me some more clients for next year. I've already seen more inquiries that I ever thought I would using Craigslist alone so I guess a lot of brides go that way when hunting down vendors.  Works for me!

1 comment:

  1. Brides who know how to use the internet LOVE craigslist! There are also a whole slew of bridal bloggers out there... get in with the Washington/Oregon bloggers and you're golden! lol (I think The Knot and Wedding Bee have bulletin board type things too for local brides/vendors). I've already given you all kinds of kudos on my blog. =)

    For your craigslist post you should add some photos of the ceremony/reception/getting ready, too. I know that's what I was looking for when I searched around... less the posed images and more the photojournalistic stuff.
